Beginner’s Guide to Running in the New Year: 5 Essential Tips to Get Started

Starting as a new runner can be both exciting and challenging. Here are five tips to help you get started:

1. Get the Right Shoes

Choosing the right pair of running shoes is crucial to prevent injuries and ensure comfort. Visit a specialty running store where experts can analyze your gait and suggest shoes that fit your feet and running style. Don’t hesitate to invest in quality shoes that provide proper support and cushioning.

One of my favorite specialty running stores here in Northern California is Fleet Feet. I love how they scan my feet, watch me both run and walk, listen to my needs, and offer me several different shoe options!

2. Start Slow and Gradual

Don’t rush into intense workouts right away. Begin with a mix of walking and running intervals to build endurance gradually. For instance, try the run-walk method, where you run for a short duration and then walk to recover. As your stamina improves, increase the duration of your runs while decreasing walking intervals.

If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you know that I’m a big fan of run/walk intervals. When I pace the rockstar 6 hour marathon group, we use 90 second run, 90 second walk intervals. I’m amazed by how many runners try run/walk intervals with me for the first time and tell me how much they love it!

3. Consistency is Key

Consistency is more important than speed or distance when starting. Aim for regular runs, even if they’re shorter in the beginning. Schedule your runs throughout the week, allowing your body time to rest and recover. Consistency will help your body adapt and improve steadily.

Remember that consistency does not mean running every day. Last year I ran 11 full marathons and ran between 3 – 4 days a week. On my non-running days I would go for a walk instead. Every day, however, I made it a priority to move my body and I stayed consistent.

4. Incorporate Strength and Flexibility Training

Running can put stress on muscles and joints, so complement your running routine with strength training and flexibility exercises. This helps prevent injuries and improves overall performance. Focus on exercises targeting core strength, leg muscles, and flexibility in areas like hips and hamstrings.

Five months ago, I started back with a regular strength training routine and have seen huge improvements to not only my running performance, but also how I feel. As of right now, I run three days a week, spend an hour strength training three days a week, and take one day of rest a week. Again, find what works for you.

5. Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to how your body feels during and after runs. Some discomfort is normal when starting, but sharp pain or persistent discomfort could signal an issue. Rest when needed, and don’t push yourself too hard too quickly. Be mindful of any signs of overtraining and adjust your routine accordingly.

Remember, patience is key when starting a new running routine. Celebrate your progress, stay consistent, and enjoy the journey toward building endurance and improving your overall fitness.

As always, I’m cheering you on.

Beginner's Guide to Running in the New Year: 5 Essential Tips to Get Started

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