Transformation Tuesday #14

It’s Transformation Tuesday and today I’m taking a look at food. It’s something we can’t avoid and something that we encounter several times throughout the day. So, how do we make wise food choices? 

To be quite honest, this is still something I struggle with from time to time. For example, just the other morning I made myself a plant-based protein smoothie for breakfast, but when I walked into work what did I see… maple donuts! 🍩 I made the right choice and only ate half of one. See… It’s about finding the balance. 😉

To be honest, some things that help me make wiser food choices include:

1) I start every day with a balanced breakfast (preferably I drink a glass of warm lemon water before eating breakfast) 🍋

2) I pack healthy snacks so that I’m not tempted to grab something “junky” 🍏

3) I drink a full glass of water before I reach for a snack (chances are I’m dehydrated, not hungry) 💦

4) I aim for an 80/20 diet (80% plant-based/20% non plant-based) Since becoming a vegetarian 4+ years ago, I have consumed more fruits and veggies than ever before! 🍆

As for the pictures, the one on the right was when I was not following these above principles. I was eating anything and everything that came my way. I was not exercising, sick quite a bit, and felt quite miserable. The picture on the left, however, shows a woman who (for the most part) eats to fuel her body. She doesn’t restrict, but instead asks herself, “Will this fuel me for my busy day ahead / for my long run?” She is healthy, fit, and happy. She still has her “off” days, but she is quick to jump right back on the path of health and wellness. 

Please realize I am still a work in progress and am far from perfect. Also, I am not a registered dietician nor nutritionist. My hope is that by sharing my journey I may encourage someone else to make healthier food choices for themselves and/or their family. 

Remember friends… Food Matters! 

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