
Have you ever been brokenhearted?  Me too.  Today, in fact, marks the one year anniversary of when I received a phone call with devastating news.  I was so brokenhearted that I turned off my phone, wept, and cried out (more like screamed out) to the Lord.  There was nothing anyone could say to ease my pain.


In the midst of my pain, however, I can see how God was still there.  He heard my cries (and screams), saw every tear that fell, and He was there.

It’s so incredibly difficult to see to the other side when we’re in the muck of the pain.  I know some of you know what I’m talking about. Yes, there are valleys we walk through that hurt to the core, that makes us feel sick to our stomach, and pains our heart until it feels as though it will surely rip in two.

There is good news though.  “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18  When things seem so dark, the Lord is still there.  Even when we can’t feel him, He is still there.  Grieving is okay.  The Bible says, “Blessed are those who grieve, for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4

July 11, 2017 was an incredibly difficult day for me and the Lord saw me through it.  December 26, 2017 was another incredibly difficult day for me (probably even worse than July 11).  Again the Lord saw me through it. (I wrote about this time of loss HERE.)

Friends, no matter what you are facing, please know that there is hope.  If you’re feeling brokenhearted and crushed in spirit today, please know that the Lord is there. He loves you.  You are loved.

Until next time,


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