Transformation Tuesday #23

Not only is there a difference in these two body shapes and smiles, but there’s a difference in these two mindsets. The woman on the left rarely exercised. The woman on the right, however, exercises nearly every day. Even if it’s just a walk, do it. Even if the journey seems too long or difficult, do it. Even if you feel every eye looking at you and judging you, do it. 

The picture on the left is from my trip to India in November of 2009. My journey to changing my lifestyle began the next month when I stepped on the scale for the first time in a year. I was shocked by the number that flashed before me! “How did I get here?” I thought. 

Instead of falling further into a pit of despair, I decided to do something about it. My first step was becoming more aware of what I was putting in my mouth. The second step was beginning to regularly move my body. No, I did not start with running. I first started with walking. It was another year and a half before running entered the picture. Read more about how I went from a couch potato to a marathoner HERE. 

Fast forward to today and exercise is now a regular part of my routine. Ideally, I run 5-6 days a weeks and incorporate strength training 2-3 times a week. Why do I say “ideally”? Because if I’m being honest, some weeks are better than others. Sometimes I lose focus and have to remind myself that there’s no end goal. Rather, this journey to better health is an everyday series of choices. A choice of what foods and drinks to put into my body and a choice of how I’m going to exercise. 

Friends, the journey may not always be easy, but it is SO worth it! Find a friend or family member to support you in your journey. Read and/or listen to books such as Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst to keep you on the right path. And even if you aren’t in the mood to exercise, go for a 20 minute walk. You’ve got this! I believe in you. 

Your sister journeying in this with you,



  1. You’re such an inspiration to me! I love following your journey on Instagram 🙂 You look fabulous!

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